Luck Reunion
March 2022, March 2023

Visual direction for annual country music festival hosted on Willie Nelson’s ranch in Spicewood, Texas. 
Overall visual direction, culminating in 108 reusable wayfinding and vendor signs

Translated inspirational imagery into an overall identity, negotiated accommodations for myself and my assistant, created project plan, and travelled to Spicewood to paint signage and provide technical support during festival
I was invited to Luck in 2022 as a painting assistant to my longtime mentor, and was invited back to lead the project in 2023. We settled on a signpainter aesthetic that leaned more towards hand-painted signage in Mexico than the classic American signpainting tradition. I arrived two weeks before festival day, and used a combination of projection and grid mapping to hand-paint 108 signs. 


After reviewing the master signage list and client schematics, I determined a limited range of font styles and colors.



Claire Casper Design Portfolio2024